Experience the healing power of light

What is Clearlight Infrared Sauna?


Produced by Jacuzzi, the Clearlight Infrared Sauna is a single-person sauna offering advanced near, mid, and far infrared light therapy with the power of heat to rejuvenate and detoxify the body, increase metabolism, and reduce stress and fatigue.

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In today’s world where we are all exposed to toxins in the air and water, as well as through medications, vaccines, and dental work, it is vital to integrate a detoxification regimen into one’s daily life
— Dr. David Minkoff

 Benefits of Infrared Sauna

The Clearlight Infrared Sauna uses True Wave infrared heat, EMF / ELF free infrared technology, and advanced chromatherapy to aid in weight loss and increases metabolism, provide muscle and joint pain relief, promote better sleep, detoxify and rejuvenate, improve skin complexion and reduce the appearance of cellulite, and reduce stress and fatigue.

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Book a 60 min slot to enjoy a 35-50 min treatment session.


Regularly in order to detoxify, increase your metabolism, ease joint pain, and reduce stress and fatigue.

How Often?

As often as every day, to once a week.



It’s not good enough just to have a clean lifestyle. One has to go the next step and take a sauna.
— Dr. Brian Clement speaking about Clearlight® Saunas
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There is currently a wealth of scientific evidence showing that thousands of drugs, preservatives, pesticides, and other pollutants remain stored in the body long after exposure. The only way to remove toxins from the fat storage sites is to mobilize the toxic fat. Heat-stress [of a sauna] is an effective method of removing fat-stored toxins from the body.
— Dr. Zane Gard

Start Healing Today!

Redline Health & Wellness is committed to providing you the best red and near-infrared light therapy. Start your experience today by booking your first appointment or reach out to us with any questions.



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